Tuesday, August 30, 2011


A month ago today we were married.
The first month of marriage went by fast.
Which got us thinking.
What happened in the months between our March post and our recent wedding post?
Anne had a birthday.
Which meant dinner at any restaurant we want.
We decided on a neighborhood Chinese restaurant that made their own house spicy noodles.

There was some singing and dancing.

We had friends move across the country and now live in our lovely city.

We enjoyed a nice Easter brunch with family.

We tried to keep up with our bi-weekly produce delivery.

We attended Elizabeth Andoh's incredible Vegan and Vegetarian Cooking demonstration.

We spent a weekend learning how to make a kick-you-in-the-crotch-drop-you-to-your-knees-it's-so-good soup.

Cleo got fleas.

Which made her act really weird.

She spent all her time in the garden. Rarely coming inside, not even to eat.

Which meant she had many kitchen sink showers.

Dengue Fever played at our favorite live music venue Dante's.

We rode our bikes everywhere.

We had brunch with friends.

We went wine tasting.

We attended a friend's book launch party.

We added a new member to our family. His name is Roger.

And we witnessed the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

We did more than we thought.